
Porting WSAD projects to MyEclipse

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  • #262319 Reply


    I just wanted to take the time to share the fact we have been able to port 4 of the 6 projects over to MyEclipse from WSAD with NO code changes. The remaining two projects will have to be rebuilt because they are related to Web Services. This should not be difficult because we can use the WSDL to generate the service and client projects. Additionally, we will gain better performance with the new SAOP stack.

    I wanted to say thanks for some solid recommendations on how to go about this task. The XDoclet (AOP) tool sure saved our bacon for creating the deployment descriptors. The support staff’s suggestion to remove the IBM metadata from the project reduced any change of conflicting projects’ metadata.

    I think developing EJBs for JBoss, WebSphere, and WebLogic using XDoclet would make for a great tutorial and gain more market shares for MyEclipse. Developers would gain so much expertise from the tutorial they would want to use MyEclipse in their day-to-day development knowing they can go across all three major platforms. The fact your tool is the only IDE with connectors for all the major application servers, makes your product MOST attractive to me because I can test and develop using the same tool. I don’t have to learn a new tool everything my assignment changes.

    Best of Luck in the Coming Year,


    #262362 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We really appreciate you taking the time out to send along your comments, they are always great to hear and I’m sending them along to the rest of the team.

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