
Portlet development – target Websphere portal server

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  • #285535 Reply


    I have downloaded and am beginning my evaluation of MyEclipse 6.5 M1 Blue. The product looks very feature rich. My specific need, for now, is to develop portlets integrated into IBM Websphere 6.x environment. While it appears there is support for developing portlets, it is not clear (and I may have missed it) that there is support for testing/deployment to Websphere.

    Is this available? If so is there documentation you can point me to? If not, is this planned and in what time frame?

    Thanks in advance.

    #285598 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you for taking the time to evaluate Blue. We are working on Portlet docs right now for the final GA release.

    In the M1 release we didn’t support porlet deployment, but we will in the GA release coming out shortly. So to get a good sense for the portlet support I would encourage you to wait for the GA release then work through it and make sure it meets your needs.

    #285603 Reply


    Thank you for the quick response. I am looking forward to the GA release, hopefully shortly is within the next 15-30 days. . While you did not mention it specifically, I assume the deployment you are planning includes Websphere Portal Server server support.

    #285606 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    For WebSphere we are going to support deployments to WebSphere Portal 6.0 Server installed in “stand alone” mode, and for JSR-168 compliant portlets, we will support Pluto and Liferay I believe… maybe more.

    #285607 Reply


    Great news! I will be looking for the GA release.

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