
Possible problem with SQL Editor in M2

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  • #233060 Reply

    John Sawers

    I’m running Eclipse 3.1, ME 4.0M2 and the new SQL editor looks cool. I see the new pop-up menus for DB and table selection, but the “Run, Save and Erase” icons are not present, there is just an empty space where they should be.

    MacOS X 10.4.2, JDK1.4.2, PB 1.5GHz, 1GB RAM

    #233069 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is a known problem on OSX, we are looking into a workaround for it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    #233078 Reply

    John Sawers

    Is there a Jira or bug list for each release that I can look through? I would have checked there if I had known where it was.

    #233080 Reply


    A good place to check is the sticky topics in the Bugs forum. We try to post known issues there for the latest release.


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