
Prepare a bundle to share ME configuration and settings

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  • #234561 Reply

    we bought 8 licences of MyEclipse to have a standard platform for all our developers. We are interested to add another team of 5 developer from our sister company to work with us.

    We would like to know if there is a way to prepare a bundle for all the configuration and settings, (ex. Classpath Variables, Extra plugins installed and update sites, etc) to share within our teams, so that it can be easy to setup a new workstation or share new settings.

    I have seen in this forum somebody speaking of an internal update site (intranet) where you can prepare the plugins for all the collegues with the right version… any info for that?

    I think these could be interesting feature handled by MyEclipse to help organizing the teamwork… what do you think?

    thanks in advance,
    best regards,
    Federico Yankelevich

    #234573 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    We would like to know if there is a way to prepare a bundle for all the configuration and settings, (ex. Classpath Variables, Extra plugins installed and update sites, etc) to share within our teams, so that it can be easy to setup a new workstation or share new settings.

    You get that by using File > Export > Preferences and then having the rest of your team import them.

    I have seen in this forum somebody speaking of an internal update site (intranet) where you can prepare the plugins for all the collegues with the right version… any info for that?

    That’s a little different issue as it covers making sure that everyone has the same set of plugins installed, rather than those plugins being configured the same way. But yes, you can have an internal update site. For our builds we make available an archive of the update site we host for the product. It’s a zip file that you can then install on an internally accessible web server so that the updates will be coming off your internal network only when you want them to. Once the update site is installed locally, each user can perform the initial MyEclipse install from it directly by taking a plain Eclipse 3.1 installation and selecting Help > Software Updates… > Find and Install… > “Seach for new features to install…”

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