
printing disabled

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  • #264391 Reply


    Hello All,

    what do I need to do to enable printing? Both the printer icon and the File->Print… options are disabled.

    ME 5.1, Red Hat Enterprise WS 4


    — john

    #264459 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    There is no printing from Eclipse on the Linux platform. I think the plan is to add it in the 3.3 (Europa) release because the GTK library finally added normalized printing support.

    Before that, there was no “right” way to do printing on Linux, so the Eclipse platform didn’t support it. I think it’s one of the the most voted for bugs in the Eclipse bug tracker.

    #264552 Reply



    Eclipse 3.3 may not save you. The Redhat Enterprise team tries to keep things extremely stable. So they are very slow on the uptake of GTK versions. As Riyad pointed out, the printing support had to be added in one of the latest versions of GTK. It could be literally years before Redhat Enterprise will catch up to this GTK version. But anything could change in the future. Maybe Redhat will back port the printing support to a Redhat GTK package.

    #264558 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Greg has a good pt, I believe printing was added in GTK 2.10

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