
Problem adding DataSource resource reference to Web app

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  • #320249 Reply


    I’m having trouble adding a resource reference to a web app in MyEclipse Blue (Build id: 9.1-Blue-20110701). Basically, the Res-Type java.sql.DataSource is not available.

    Steps to replicate:

      Launch MyEclipse and create a new workspace.
      Create a new web project named TestWeb
      Open TestWeb\WebRoot\WEB-INF\web.xml
      Click on “Resources”
      In the “Resource Refs” section press the “Add” button.
      On the “Add Resource Reference” window click the “Browse…” button
      On the “Edit Res-Type” window click the “Browser…” button
      Enter “DataSource”
      Observe that java.sql.DataSource is not present.

    However, if (within the workspace) I click the “Open Type” button java.sql.DataSource is found.

    If I manually enter the resource reference in the web.xml file it appears to cause deployment issues.

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    #320250 Reply


    Sorry, datasource class name should read: javax.sql.DataSource

    At any rate, the only DataSource class found is in a sun package.

    #320264 Reply



    The browser appears to be showing only classes, not interfaces. I’ve raised a problem report for this. However, setting the type manually should work as the browser is just an assist. Also, if you enter “Datasource” in the Res-Type entry field (either in the web.xml editor or in the first dialog that comes up when you hit the Browse button) and then use content assist (Ctrl-Space), you will see javax.sql.Datasource in the list there.

    What is the deployment problem that you are getting when you enter the resource type yourself? Please provide as much information as you can, including the steps to see the problem, any associated log messages, your OS and the target server.

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