
Problem configuring multi servers of the same profile.

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  • #288858 Reply



    I got few App servers residing in the same profile. I did see that From Blue 6.1 to Blue 6.5 the configuration of server were made mroe flexible. But when I tried to configure second server of the same profile, it’s not enabling the finish button, saying the server is already setup. I think this is something you would have come across in your product testing as multi-server for a single profile not uncommon at all.

    Please let us know if this possible with Blue 6.5.1?


    #288877 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Are you working with Pulse? Can you go to MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details and paste the information here for me.

    I have’t understood what exactly you are trying. You want to setup multiple instances of the same server?

    #288889 Reply



    I am not using Pulse.
    I have WAS installed on my PC.
    I have created 2 more App Serves in addition to the default one (so server1, server2, server3 are the servers) under the same profile named “AppSvr01”.

    The question is; Is it possible to configure all the three servers in ME Blue 6.5.1 in a single workspace? i.e under the preference window: (MyEclipseBlueEdition->servers->WebSphere->Blue Connectors->WebSphere 6.1)

    I tried, I could not. So making sure if the product is cabable of doing it first.

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Blue Edition
    Version: 6.5.1 Blue GA
    Build id: 6.5.1-Blue-GA-20080715


    #288893 Reply

    Loyal Water

    You cannot configure all the three servers under preferences. What you can do is configure one server and create a Custom Launch Configuration for the other two. That was the other two server will not show along side the configured server but you can run your application against those server by right clicking on your projects and going to Run As or Debug As, your custom launch config should show up on that window.

    #288903 Reply


    That helps Nipun, Thank you.

    #288908 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Your welcome.

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