
Problem deploying class to the default package

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  • #226688 Reply


    I have a web project and am trying to deploy my java beans directly under the src directoy. I keep getting errors from MyEclipse within my jsp pages that say it can’t resolve my class names. If I put all my beans into a package and import my package it works fine. I was wondering why MyEclipse can’t handle beans deployed to the default package. Any ideas?

    #226693 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I was wondering why MyEclipse can’t handle beans deployed to the default package. Any ideas?

    I band of Java ninjas will come to your house and STAB you if you develop classes and put them in default package.

    This is the equivalent of unscrewing all the lug nuts off your car tires and driving around, then complaining that your wheels feel off when you took a turn too fast. Please don’t do this. (Not from a MyEclipse perspective, but from a coworkers-will-kill-you perspective I’m suggesting this).

    #226702 Reply


    The problem is that we connect to a progress database that generates proxy classes for us. Since all we have are class files, we just simply dump them into a directory that’s in our classpath.

    #226710 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Do you have any control over the package they are generated into?

    #226965 Reply


    BTW, From JDK 1.4.0 and later, it is no longer legal to import a class from the default package. Here’s the URL from Sun: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/compatibility.html#incompatibilities1.4

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