
Problem doing JSP debuggin with Tomcat 4.1.31

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  • #239934 Reply



    I’ve just started using MyEclipse 4.0 GA for my Java web project development. I’m now trying to set-up JSP native debugging for Tomcat 4.1.31. The Tomcat server is on the same machine as the MyEclipse installation.

    I’ve successfully set-up the application server and verified that this is correct by starting the server from MyEclipse’s interface.

    I then created a simple web project, added a index.jsp page with some simple out.println statments, and a few break-points at some of the staements. I then deployed the project onto the Tomcat server.

    When I hit the URL to the index.jsp page however, MyEclipse did not prompt me to go into Debug mode, and the breakpoints were all ignored. 😯

    Any ideas what I might be missing here? Thanks!

    #239935 Reply



    I’ve tried to set-up Weblogic 8.1 to determine if it’s something to do with the MyEclipse set-up itself, or if the problem is Tomcat specific.

    Same observations on Weblogic 8.1. The breakpoints were ignored. So looks lke it’s something I’m missing for MyEclipse set-up?

    #239948 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Please see this thread, which asks the same question, for the answer:

    #239996 Reply


    Ok. I see. Thanks for the tip!

    Does Weblogic 8.1 support the standard, or do I need a different version as well?

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