
Problem loading .form file in form editor

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  • #261383 Reply



    I have a .form file which is 30kb size and when i try double clicking on it to open the form editor it just hangs. But i am able to open the other .form files in my project which are 3kb or so.

    I didnot create this entire project from eclipse. The project was created using Matisse Netbeans. The project seems to run fine. It is just that i am not able to open the main .from file

    I have MyEclipseEnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_5.0.1GA_E3.2, Eclipse 3.2, Jdk1.6 installed and my computer has 3GB Ram

    #261431 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you go to the MyEclipse menu, click on it, then go down to Installation Summary, then Installation Details and paste them here for me?

    #263878 Reply


    I have a similar problem with JDK6, now I start myeclipse with specifying the jdk1.5.09 in the command line (with -vm ) and it runs fine.
    I didn’t tried all my forms, but all that i tried had exceptions when loading them.
    So I am also interested by a solution to this,

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