
Problem starting MyEclipse

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  • #337254 Reply


    I’m not able to start MyEclipse. I’m getting the flash myEclipse screen with progress bar. Its stopping that that point, around 1/4 on progress bar saying “Loading org.eclipse.jdt.debug”.
    It was working fine few mins back, but then I had to kill the process as my system got slow. later when I tried to re launch MyEclipse it wont start.

    Can give me any advice as to how I can fix this. Thanks. By the way I have a licensed copy of MyEclipse 10. Thanks.


    #337321 Reply


    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Can you please answer some questions to help us investigate further :
    1. Can you please share the Installation Details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details ?
    2. How did you install MyEclipse 10? Using all-in-one installer / custom installer / pulse / update site on top of eclipse classic?
    3. Can you please switch to a new workspace and then open MyEclipse in that new workspace and check whether you can replicate the issue ? Are you able to select the workspace on opening the MyEclipse ?
    4. Clear the contents of the .log file located at [workspcae]/.metada/.log , replicate the issue and attach the .log file here to help us investigate further.

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