- This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 7 months ago by
I have problem starting the workbench. It used to work but after I have installed the Oracle 8i client (I need this software) I can no longer start the workbench. As soon as I start it, the get the following message:
“Java Virtual Machine Launcher
Error: could not find Java 2 Runtime Environment”and then
JVM terminated. Exit code=2
-cp C:\Program Files\eclipse\startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main
-os win32
-ws win32
-arch x86
-showsplash c:\Program Files\eclipse\eclipse.exe -showsplash 600”I have downloaded and installed Workbench GA Version 3.6.0, Eclipse 3.0M2 and using JDK 1.4.2. I am running Windows NT 4.0 workstation SP6. The same error is displayed before I download the newest version.
What can I do to fix this program? Thanks…
Scott AndersonParticipantThis problem is caused by the Oracle installer. You see, Oracle thinks you need to have a really ancient JVM right at the start of your PATH. It’s an old 1.1 JVM and Eclipse needs at least a 1.3 JVM. To fix it, you can either manually go fix your PATH settings or you can use the -vm option to tell Eclipse which JVM to use when launching. This can be done by creating an alias for eclipse.exe and using a setting like this:
<path>\eclipse.exe -vm <jdk-install>\bin\javaw.exePersonally, I’d fix my PATH because the settings Oracle places there will break almost all Java applications, except their client of course. 😉
MyEclipse Support
surapholMemberHow should I fix the path? I have tried to set the “PATH” to begin with “j2sdk1.4.2” before I submit to the forum:
“C:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre;C:\Oracle\Ora81\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.7\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\system32\nls\ENGLISH”
But it did not work.
Scott AndersonParticipantYou should’ve prepended C:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre\bin to the path since it’s the ‘bin’ directory that contains the javaw command.
MyEclipse Support
surapholMemberOops! I should not have done that. It is working now. Thanks a lot! Scott, you are always so prompt and helpful : )
pavan_sistlaMemberi got the same problem but in different case, when i install oracle 8i after java and eclipse.
Eclipse environment failed by “could not find java 2 runtime environment”.The solution given by u didn’t solved in this case.
So i checked whether i can run javac -> it works fine.
javaw-> fails with the same error.
java -> this shows that java runtime variable is not correctly set … what to set also.
So i changed as per i got in cmd prompt in regedit of microsoft in run command and change the variables in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> software -> java soft.Problem will be resolved.