
problem testing Matisse Form

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  • #262112 Reply

    I created a JPanel form using the Matisse Form designer, but I can’t figure out how to run it. The help doc says to right click on the form, and select Run As -> Java Application. But what main class to use for the Run Configuration ?

    #262150 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ahh, you can’t run a Panel just by itself. What you probably want to do is either create a JFrame and redesign the whole panel inside of it, or just add your panel to the palette, then create a JFrame, and put your panel in the middle of it, then run the Frame.

    If you don’t want to do any of that, you are certainly welcome to write your own main method in your JPanel class that creates a frame and puts your panel inside of the content pane, then displays itself. That’s another option.

    The point being that you need a Frame at some point, and by default, the JFrame template gets a Main method ot make it easier to run when using M4M, so that might be faster for you.

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