
problem with foreign keys

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  • #214321 Reply


    I’ve a problem with foreign keys:

    I have a table Resources like this : rid (pk) – cid – rname

    I’have to create another table like this : did (pk) – dep- rid1 (fk) -rid2(fk)

    I have 2 EJB-CMP : ResourcesBean and DepBean for the first and the second table. In ResourceBean I have getRid() and setRid().

    In the DepBean I have to use setRid1() and setRid2().
    For getter and setter rid1 I have :
    * @ejb.relation
    * name=”did-rid1″
    * role-name=”dep-has-rid1″
    * target-ejb = “Resource”
    * @jboss.relation related-pk-field = “rid”
    * fk-column = “rid1″
    public abstract ResourceLocal getRid1();

    public abstract void setRid1(ResourceLocal c);

    …and for rid2 ???

    I can’t use :

    * @ejb.relation
    * name=”did-rid1″
    * role-name=”dep-has-rid1”
    * target-ejb = “Resource”
    * @jboss.relation related-pk-field = “rid”
    * fk-column = “rid2”
    public abstract ResourceLocal getRid2();

    public abstract void setRid2(ResourceLocal c);

    ….beacuse there is the same role-name and the same name…..

    What is the solution…..I tried a lot of tricks but I’m not able to resolve this problem….

    Thank you very much for the answer !!

    #214362 Reply

    Walter Riley

    I’ll try to restate your problem in different words as I understand it.

    You have two tables, call one table Person, call the other Marriage. Your problem results from tring to put two foreign keys in a Marriage record to relate back to the husband and wife entries in the Person table.

    This is usually handled by putting a foreign key in the Person table and then having two records in the Person table point to one Marriage entry. This is just a specific example of a many-to-one relationship, namely 2 to 1. By putting the foreign key in the other table, you can easily change the relationship to n to 1 if required without having to change the structure of a table in order to add more foreign keys.

    Hope this helps,

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