
Problem with Struts/Spring/Hibernate

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  • #262982 Reply


    i am trying to start a struts – hibernate – spring project.
    at this time it’s more playing around with it 😉

    to get struts and spring working together is no problem at this time
    (same with hibernate and spring ;-))

    but when i’m trying to combine all three frameworks, i get into trouble.

    i start a new project adding struts and spring capabilities.
    that work’s fine, but when i start to integrate hibernate, my tomcat always tells me:
    message Servlet action is not available
    description The requested resource (Servlet action is not available) is not available.

    even if i didn’t change something concerning the struts/spring part (which worked fine before i add hibernate capabilities).

    could this be the result of overridden JARs? (when i add spring or hibernate capabilities to struts
    i am asked if i want to keep or override some JARs?)

    sorry if my question sounds stupid but i allready started working with java struts/hibernate/spring.

    perhaps anybody has an idea? or perhaps some useful links etc. concering this topic (struts/hibernate/spring


    #263020 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    That is definately odd… I think you are probably right to some degree, and overloaded JAR like commons logging or something. You can find out by looking at your console, if you read through it all you should see an error somewhere, like a classloader error.

    You know though… Spring actually ships (out of the box) a very robust MVC web framework that is similar to Struts called Spring MVC, it’s in the mvc package… if you are already using Spring, I would just suggest you use Spring and Hibernate. The spring portion would be all the injection and web framework, and the hibernate would be the persistence layer.

    #263289 Reply


    Hi Riyad,

    thank you very much …

    i used the “wizards” (MyEclipse -> “add xyz capabilites”) and let the wizards copy the JARs.

    Is it Posible to use the wizard again (after adding “MyEclipse -> “add xyz capabilites”) for removing some of the JARs?

    i think i read some posts about this topic in this forum, but i am not sure if something like (removing/adding JARs by wizard) this is implemented in myeclipse.


    #263292 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    You cannot invoke the capability wizards again, but you can right click on the JAR file (or library set) and select “Build Path > Remove from Build path”.
    You can also add, remove and change the order of JAR files by opening the Project Properties page and then going to the Java Build Path page and the Libraries tab.

    Do let us know if you require further assistance.

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