
Problem with subscription key

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  • #233919 Reply


    We have developed our own workbench for developing applications of a particular type. When ever I open our custom workbench (which is done from the standard eclipse workbench) I get a message indicating that there are too many copies of MyEclipse running and that it will now be disabled. I assume this occurs because the custom workbench inherits the active plug-in set from the parent. Later when I return to the base workbench I have to reenter my license key. Is there any way to get around this? 🙁

    #233923 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If I’m not mistaken when you setup your plugin development workbench you need to disable the MyEclipse plugins as you certain don’t need them for plugin development. This will avoid the conflict between the two workbenches.

    The alternative work around (to avoid conflicts with our license manager) is to start both copies of Eclipse up and leave them up. If you need to restart one, you need to restart both otherwise the license manager will issue you a warning when you restart the 2nd workbench (it sees it as a 3rd install of the same license).

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