
Problem with TitledBorder font selection

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  • #285132 Reply


    I was trying to work through the Netbeans tutorials for Matisse and got to the section where you bring up the border property editor, set it to TitledBorder, then change the font. While the regular font editor seems to be working fine, this…sub-editor(?) doesn’t seem to be, clicking on the font editor button on the Border dialog seems to have no effect.
    I’m running 6.0.1 GA, build id 6.0.1-GA-200710, MyEclipse Visual Swing Designer 6.0.2.zmyeclipse602200712.
    Not a big deal yet..just wondering.

    #285173 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I could reproduce the issue you pointed out. Thank you for bringing this up. I’ll file it for the dev team right away.

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