
Problem with tutorial (helloWorld.jsp) [Closed]

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  • #198942 Reply


    I am evaluating myeclipseide Version 2.6.2 using eclipse 2.1.1 and JDK 1.4.2 and winXP.
    I created a J2EE web project following the instructions in the tutorial. I then created the helloWorld.jsp file using the JSP creation wizard as stated in the tutorial. With the cursor in the JSP editor a dialog box pops up asking me to SELECT A DEFAULT WEB MODULE with an empty list box. If I cancel the dialog an error box appears with the following message: “JSP Code assist error::Could not identify a J2EE project for this file. Make sure it is in a web project”

    This is a new installation. What is the problem?

    #198943 Reply


    Turns out I needed to search a little harder. The problem was with Lomboz although it was disabled through preferences. I removed the Lomboz directories from the eclipse plugin directory and things appear to work.

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