
problem with .web extension

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  • #241664 Reply


    Hi – i recently upgraded to 4.0.3GA and am having aproblem with deploying my .war to JBoss.

    i have a .ear that has one web project named myproject.web. when myeclipse deploys this as an exploded ear it no longer adds the .war extension e.g. myproject.web.war. thus JBoss doesn’t find the .war resource to deploy. how can i configure myeclipse to put the .war extension on the web resource?


    #241674 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You need to either add a .war extension to your project name or remove the existing dot from your project name. We added a feature to support custom archive extensions so people could deploy custom JBoss modules (SAR, RAR, etc.) and that is done by using the name of the project as the archive name for the deployed module.

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