
Problems deploying web apps to JBoss 4.2.2, MyEclipse 8.6

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  • #312604 Reply

    When trying to deploy some web applications to my JBOSS server for testing, it seems to deploy, the dates on the files change, but it’s old source code. Whole packages of classes are missing. When I first created the project it deployed fine, but somewhere along the way it broke.

    I’ve tried running MyEclipse with -clean. I’ve tried a new workspace and importing the projects. None of this worked. I have to hand copy the .class files over to the deploy folder in JBOSS, which is slow and annoying.

    Does anyone know how I can fix this? It’s a rather high priority issue for us because it’s causing schedule creep. I’ve spent numerous hours researching and trying to fix the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

    #312619 Reply


    Can you give us some more information?

    1) Are the projects created on MyEclipse 8.6 or migrated from elsewhere?
    2) Do you see any errors in the .log file which is at <workspace dir>/.metadata folder?
    3) Can you try reconfiguring the JBoss with MyEclipse and fix any missing jars ?

    Another option would be for you to try to create a dummy web project with a few classes and see if it exhibits the same behavior in your current workspace.

    Let us know how it works for you.

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    #313180 Reply

    I’ve fixed it!!!!

    If you right click on the project and click “Build Path”->”Configure Build Path”, in the dialog which pops up, change the “Default Output Folder” (it’s @ the bottom in the right-hand pane) to <project>/<Web-Root Folder>/WEB-INF/classes (obviously substituting in your own values for the stuff in brackets). It then deploys correctly. Somehow this should be automatic, not changeable, something. Or if you change it, it should give you a warning that it won’t auto-deploy correctly. You have no idea how many hrs it took me to find that stupid little text box, which is not front and center in the relevant dialog. This is not obvious to a developer who’s 1st programming language is not Java. Geesh!

    Happy Holidays,

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