- This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 11 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
I tried to install a freshly downloaded MyEclipse-7.1.1 and get the following errors:This profile can not be resolved because required software could not be located.
Could not locate installable unit: com.sun.jna.feature.group 3.0.9
Could not locate installable unit: org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.javahl.feature.feature.group
Checked update site file:/C:/Program Files/Adobe/Flex Builder 3 Plug-in/com.adobe.flexbuilder.update.site and found 71 installable units.
Checked update site file:/C:/Program Files/subclipse and found 25 installable units.
Checked update site http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/3.4 and found 1359 installable units.
Checked update site http://download.eclipse.org/releases/ganymede and found 2436 installable units.
Checked update site http://download.eclipse.org/tools/ajdt/33/update and found 18 installable units.
Checked update site http://download.eclipse.org/tools/ajdt/34/dev/update and found 40 installable units.
Checked update site http://download.eclipse.org/tools/mylyn/update/e3.4 and found 101 installable units.
Checked update site http://download.java.net/general/openjfx/plugins/eclipse/site.xml and found 4 installable units.
Checked update site http://downloads.myeclipseide.com/downloads/products/eworkbench/7.0/updates and found 736 installable units.
Checked update site http://downloads.myeclipseide.com/downloads/products/eworkbench/7.0/updates/supporting and found 20 installable units.
Checked update site http://downloads.poweredbypulse.com/downloads/products/pulse/client and found 111 installable units.
Checked update site http://downloads.poweredbypulse.com/downloads/products/pulse/eclipse34 and found 1 installable units.
Checked update site http://downloads.poweredbypulse.com/downloads/products/pulse/ganymede and found 104 installable units.
Checked update site http://downloads.poweredbypulse.com/downloads/products/pulse/java and found 21 installable units.
Checked update site http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/update and found 54 installable units.
Checked update site http://www.poweredbypulse.com/installer/eclipse-base and found 2 installable units.
Checked update site http://www.poweredbypulse.com/pulse/download/live and found 1 installable units.Does anyone know what to do to get a running MyEclipse?
Thanks for your help.
Loyal WaterMemberErwin,
Were you setting up MyEclipse 7.1.1 using the All in one installer or the Archive update site installer? Incase you were using the Archive Update Site installer, what version of Eclipse did you setup MyEclipse with?What OS are you working on?
I used the “All in one installer”
Loyal WaterMemberErwin,
Can you please make sure that the size of the installer you are using matches the size mentioned on the download page. This could be a problem related to a corrupt installer.
Thanks for your help. I have solved the problem. The solution is very easy: I trashed MyEclipse.
It is really no fun to work with a product I have paid for and that does not work as expected. I am not interested working as a beta-tester. If you guys are not able to sell a tested and working software I will switch to another product.
Riyad KallaMemberErwin,
You have not provided enough information for us to try and help you. From your original post you made it sound like you couldn’t even get MyEclipse installed, but obviously you had it installed:
Could not locate installable unit: com.sun.jna.feature.group 3.0.9
Could not locate installable unit: org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.javahl.feature.feature.group
Checked update site file:/C:/Program Files/Adobe/Flex Builder 3 Plug-in/com.adobe.flexbuilder.update.site and found 71 installable units.
Checked update site file:/C:/Program Files/subclipse and found 25 installable units.
Checked update site http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/update and found 54 installable units.None of these local update sites or the m2eclipse update site are registered in MyEclipse by default, certainly not in the installer. So it looks like you had MyEclipse installed, added Subclipse, m2eclipse (which conflicts with the integrated Maven 4 MyEclipse feature) and Flex Builder from Adobe, ran into a problem with the conflict between something we’ve bundled and something you tried to install and that’s how you ended up with that error.
If you’d like help getting things working, we need more information from you, like what software you are trying to install and how are you trying to install it? Are you using /dropins, local update sites, remote update sites, etc.
I’d also point out that if you want “full control” over everything, we have new Manual Installs of MyEclipse available on our download page, option #5, that you can download, unzip and use just like a normal Eclipse Classic install.
If you’d like help getting things working we are willing to try and help, but we need more information about your setup.