
Problems with EAR project [Closed]

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  • #214603 Reply


    Last week, before updating to MyEclipse 3.8.1. (from 3.7) we had an EAR project which referenced a web module. This was deployed to OC4J with no probs (using exploded deployment).

    Since the upgrade we are getting the following error from the ‘parent project’
    .. No project modules assigned to enterprise project..

    The Project-Properties-Project Reference checkbox is ticked for the relevant web project .

    The configuration files we have are as follows:-
    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <Context docBase=”C:\Tools\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\MyEar_Proj\MyEar_Proj-web” path=”/MyEar_Proj-web”/>

    <?xml version=”1.0″?>
    <!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC “-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN” “http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application_1_2.dtd”&gt;


    <display-name>Oracle DCM Generated</display-name>



    <b>server.xml -</b>
    <application name=”MyEar_Proj” path=”C:\Tools\oc4j\j2ee\home\application-autodeploy\MyEar_Proj.ear” auto-start=”true” />

    If I delete MyEar_Proj and recreate it, pointing it to MyEar_Proj-web the problem goes away until I restart Eclipse.

    Any ideas how to solve this would be most welcome 🙂

    #214604 Reply


    aha, Just realised that it was a j2ee version problem. The ‘new’ stuff appeared to have defaulted to j2ee v1.4. It should have been v1.3 .:)

    #214611 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Thanks for the followup. Yes, the default changed in 3.8.0 as we added 1.4 support. Glad you’re up and running.

    #215092 Reply


    Well, sadly this problem has reappeared. Even when the projects are set up as J2ee 1.3, if the project is closed the parent EAR project appears to lose the associated web module

    #250789 Reply


    Can someone help please? I am getting this error, “No project modules assigned to enterprise project.”. I created the project in one machine and it worked fine. when I transfered the project to another machine I get the message mentioned above. what should I do? thanks.

    #251101 Reply


    I am also getting the same error. This is on the same machine (not transferring project). I am working on finding out how to reproduce the problem, but I am definitely getting the “No project modules assigned to enterprise project” error.

    #251677 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    For the people having a problem with no modules assigned, when you right click on the EAR and go down to MyEclipse then select “Add/Remove Modules”, do you see any modules listed? Are they in your application.xml file as well?

    #251785 Reply


    Yes, I have the 2 modules listed and both listed in the application.xml.

    #251787 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are these 3 projects (EAR, and 2 modules) things you can export and send to me, or no? Can you create a sample set of projects that exhibit this exact same behavior to send to me for testing?

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