
Problems with struts auto creation [Closed]

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  3. Java EE Development (EJB, JSP, Struts, XDoclet, etc.)
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  • #219487 Reply

    Tom Malone

    I went to create a new action form and jsp in the overview panel, added the fields and place the form action and jsp pages where i normally put them, then click finish, it genertates the action class fine, but it then only add the package line to the form class and doesn’t create the jsp.

    I am running the eclipse 3.0.1, and myeclipse 3.8.2 with both quick fixes.

    Ps. the only different i have done is use the file, option could this be it.


    #219488 Reply

    Tom Malone

    sorry one of my fields was abstract obviously a reserved word, removed this and worked a treat sorry to wast anybodys time.

    Also your web pages seem really slow today or this just me


    #219493 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We have someone hammering the site, I guess this is how some people like to spend their Monday’s =/

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