
Project based on swing framework (jsr 296)

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  • #281809 Reply


    Can I import project based on jsr 296 made in netbeans 6 in myeclipse ?
    I have matisse Version: 6.0.2.zmyeclipse602200712
    In the new functionality i read : Enabled for future support of the Swing Application Framework and JPA database binding (JSR 296)

    I tried with a basic application with the swing framework made in Netbeans6.
    But when I open the form with myeclipse the design window stays empty and there is no preview button.
    I can run the application from within myeclipse, it works just fine.

    #281824 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Projects created in Netbeans cannot be imported into MyEclipse. Sorry about that.

    #281838 Reply


    Importing is not the problem. The project works fine. Just the mainform extending from FrameView (JSR-296 framework) doesn’t display in the gui designer.
    The other frames are vsible in the gui designer.

    Is there any documentation about the “enabled for future support of the swing application framework” ?

    #281863 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Is there any documentation about the “enabled for future support of the swing application framework” ?

    I’m sorry we don’t have any documentation relating to this.

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