
project deployments button

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  • #207181 Reply

    John Myers

    When you click the project deployments button there is no automatically selected project – this is annoying, especially since there is sometimes only one project to pick…

    the reason this is especially annoying for is my servlets never seem to get hot-deployed correcty and I need to redeploy to get them to work.


    Can you modify the project deployments button and,

    how does hot-deploy work?


    John Myers

    I’m running eclipse m8 on Mac OS X.

    #207183 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you modify the project deployments button and,

    I agree with you on this request, and just to let you know its already in the system.

    how does hot-deploy work?

    You need (a) Window > Preferences > Workbench > “Perform build on resource modification” CHECKED, and you need (b) to be using Packaged Deployment for your project.

    Then hot deploy will work for you. BUT keep in mind that reloading classes also requires that you have your app server (what are you using?) to be setup to recognize changes and reload them. In tomcat this is set at the context level, I believe the attribute is “reloadable=true”, this can be changed via the Tomcat Adminstrator. Then ever 15 seconds it checks for changed classes and reloads them.

    #207213 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    About the project not being autoselected, this was fixed in 2.8 Beta 1.

    #207231 Reply

    John Myers

    Im using jboss 4, and I’m using exploded deploy which would explain why I cant get it to work. Why does this only work in packaged deploy? Seems like it would be easy to implement in exploded if it was already there in packaged, but then again im not the one writing the code so maybe not…

    thanks for the above reply.


    #207235 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Im using jboss 4, and I’m using exploded deploy which would explain why I cant get it to work. Why does this only work in packaged deploy?

    Ahhh! I’m very sorry, I just re-read my post and was backwards, Hot Deploy only works with Exploded Deployment, not packaged deployment. I don’t know why I typed that.

    Please change to an exploded deployment and try to see if hot deploy works for you.

    #207481 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Did that fix the problem for you?

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