
project structure

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  • #210611 Reply



    I am using Eclipse3.0 and myEclipse3.8 beta.
    I got problems when I try to setup J2ee project for our current project in myEclipse.
    our code structure is fixed already. like
    —com.web.servlet (servlet files)
    —jsps.page (jsp files)

    but when I setup J2ee project, in web module, I must define Web Root folder and source folder, actually I want to use current path, I input “/”, but it doesn’t work. so how can I define WebRoot and source folder, if I leave it empty, the wizard won’t go next step.
    I got same problem in setup EJB module, because I want to use current path as source path, I cannot use any subfolder like “/src”, because I cannot change our current code structure.



    #210662 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Defining the webroot to be the project root is an open enhancement that aparently we need to add or die… (there have been like 5 requests for it in 2 days!)

    Currently this is not allowed, but we will try and address this ASAP.

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