
properties file in source folder not getting deployed

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  • #286321 Reply



    I have a src folder “src/main/properties” that contains a log4j.properties file. When I deploy/redeploy to server, this file is not being picked up and added to WEB-INF/classes as I’d expect. Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?

    ME 6.5, Linux, JDK1.6, tomcat 6.0.16.


    — john

    #286327 Reply

    Loyal Water

    The file needs to go iin the root of your /src directory, it will be built (copied) into the /classes dir for you.

    #286339 Reply


    Thanks, but there’s not a way for multiple src folders to be combined in the deployment? I’d like to adhere to maven conventions.

    — john

    #286397 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Actually if you switch to your Navigator View, double check that the WEB-INF/classes dir doesn’t already contain the log4j.properties file… all source folders are “built” into the WEB-INF/classes dir, which is then deployed by MyEclipse. If the output dir for the properties source dir is something other than the default, then that is the problem.

    You want to keep it in a many-to-one association (many source dirs, if you want, to one output dir, that MyEclipse deploys)

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