
Provisioning profile won’t work anymore

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  • #350994 Reply


    My apple cert expires tomorrow. I paid for the next 12 months, and created a new csr, distribution cert, private key, wildcard app id, and ad hoc provision profile, and saved them all under the same new folder. I made sure they are all new and organized together. I’ve done this 3 different times, each time built a new simple app, and can’t get an app to load on a phone (iphone 5 or iphone 5c). It loops through the icon loading and failing on the iphone homescreen, then gives up and says unable to install app. Now I can’t even get my old provision profile to work! I have about 15 phones that are used daily in a business operation, they will all not work tomorrow the way I understand it because last year’s cert expires then. I am up to date on the latest mobione update as of this morning, although this problem started happening before the update, last friday.

    #350996 Reply


    A little progress. It works when I created a new “app specific” app id, instead of a wildcard one. I really think maybe the problem is in the “bundle ID” section of the build. This seems to be different now for some reason.

    #350998 Reply


    I just ran a test building an ios app with both old (9 mo) and new (3 days ago) certs and profiles. The test apps installed with no issue. For me that eliminates a mobione issue and says look closer at the signature data again. Pay extra close attention when you enter the pk/cert/profile/appid combo. The wizard will try to detect inconsistencies in the data but it is a best effort approach and not guaranteed to catch everything.

    If the iOS build wizard is not complaining about the cert/pk/profile combination then take a closer look at your appId as you have suggested.

    1a) On the apple portal what is the actual id string you configured for the appId?
    It should either be an absolute string such as com.zyx.foo or a wildcard pattern such as com.zyx.*

    1b) What is the bundle id string you are entering in the ios build wizard?
    e.g., com.zyx.foo or if you used a wildcard id then com.zyx.foo or com.zyx.sales.hotleads

    #352063 Reply


    Thanks Michael. I was able to get it working using com.zyx.<app name>
    I never had trouble with this before, don’t know what changed.

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