
proxy settings not working with ME 3.8.2 on Suse 9.1 pro

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  • #219840 Reply


    I’ve set the internet proxy settings in the MyEclipse preferences page, but they don’t seem to be working. DTD’s are not validated and the web browser returns a 403 error (access denied). I’m using Eclipse 3.0.1 and MyEclipse 3.8.2 on Suse 9.1 Pro.

    #219860 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I checked internally with the team and we are thinking your proxy settings might be incorrect… the way the proxy settings work in Eclipse is to set the proxy environment variables that Java can use for all parts of the application, including the browser… no one has ever pointed this out before so could you double and triple check your settings and if its still broken we can see what is going on in our code more carefully?

    #220146 Reply


    The settings match jEdit, and all my other apps, so I know that they’re correct.

    Are you expecting that the command line will have -Dproxy_server=foo or something like that? If so, why the preferences panel?

    #220147 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are you expecting that the command line will have -Dproxy_server=foo or something like that? If so, why the preferences panel?

    No we aren’t expecting that… but can you try that and relaunch Eclipse and see if the problem goes away? If so then we need to look into our proxy code…

    The GUI is a wrapper for this functionality of sorts.

    #220149 Reply


    I’ve tried restarting Eclipse a few times with no luck.

    #220150 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    And adding the -Dproxy_server argument to your Eclipse shortcut? That is what I was asking about…

    #220156 Reply


    Let me know what properties to set, and I’ll try set them. My use of


    was just an example, what, specifically, should I set?

    #220162 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m shooting in the dark here but try this:

    eclipse.exe -vmargs -DproxySet=true -Dhttp.proxyHost=<SERVER> -Dhttp.proxyPort=9119 -Dhttp.proxyUser=truep -Dhttp.proxyPassword=<PASSWORD>

    to launch Eclipse, then see if the proxy works… if it does then we need to look into our proxy code. Also make sure to fill in the last param PASSWORD, and remove the <> brackets around it.

    Reference: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/docs/guide/net/properties.html

    #220183 Reply


    No change. I tried with and without proxy settings in the preferences.

    #220185 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If that doesn’t even work then I don’t know that its a problem with our proxy preferences… try this, kill your proxy settings in JEdit, and then launch it with the -D args I gave above, does the proxy work from JEdit?

    #220390 Reply


    No, jEdit doesn’t work without it’s internal proxy settings turned on, but the command line options you mentioned above added. I’m fairly certain that it’s an issue with either eclipse or myeclipse as I’ve got several different (non-eclipse) based java apps that work fine through the proxy.

    #220394 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No, jEdit doesn’t work without it’s internal proxy settings turned on, but the command line options you mentioned above added.

    So maybe JEdit does something special?

    Honestly I’ve checked with 3 other devs about this, and besides our totally lack of knowledge with HTTP proxies, we don’t have one to test against; however before we added it quite a few users needed HTTP proxy support and this is the only time we’ve seen someone say it didn’t work, that is why we are leaning towards it being a problem with Eclipse and how it handles the proxy info. I have filed a bug for us to investigate this, if you discover more info please let me know and I’ll add it.

    #220451 Reply


    Heck, it’s not that hard to “discover more information” yourself. Eclipse is open source, so is jEdit. Look at their code, and yours and figure it out.

    #220468 Reply


    Hi Maladon,

    I’m trying to work this problem. What proxy server are you interacting with and what protocol? This info will tell us a lot about how to isolate this problem.

    #220485 Reply


    It’s a squid proxy server using http (the net security guys manage that, and they’re pretty tight about giving out information about it). It requires authentication, which seems to be the sticky point. The error I get in the browser if 403 — Access denied.

    I can browse to all our corporate internal sites, it’s just getting out past the proxy server that’s a problem.

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