
pulse 2 + MyEclipse 6.5.1 = cant find Matisse

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  • #288057 Reply



    I am having problem finding Matisse in my new install. I am using Pulse 2 and downloaded the “MyEclipse 6.5 – Pulse Edition” profile (see below for the install details).

    I looked in the forums and tried the instructions in section 4 of this page:
    When i try to select the “Matisse4MyEclipse Swing UI Designer” I get the following message: “Feature’s ID is com.genuitec.myeclipse.matisse and a feature with that ID is already included in the configuration.”.

    When I launch Eclipse (from pulse launcher), I do not have the Matisse perspective, nor do I have the Matisse Form option in the “New” menu.

    If someone can help me figure out what I am missing, i would be very grateful.

    Thank you,

    *** Date:
    Thursday, August 7, 2008 5:12:36 PM CDT

    ** System properties:
    OS version=5.1
    Java version=1.5.0_11

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 6.5.1 GA
    Build id: 6.5.1-GA-20080715

    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench

    Version: 6.5.1 GA
    Build id: 6.5.1-GA-20080715

    Eclipse Project SDK

    Version: 3.3.3.r33x_r20080129-7M7J7LB-u3aphGW6o3_VmiVfGXWO
    Build id: M20080221-1800

    Eclipse Platform

    Version: 3.3.3.r33x_r20080129-_19UEl7Ezk_gXF1kouft
    Build id: M20080221-1800

    Eclipse Java Development Tools

    Version: 3.3.2.r33x_r20080129-7o7jE7_EDhYDiyVEnjb1pFd7ZGD7
    Build id: M20080221-1800

    Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework

    Version: 3.3.2.v20080129
    Build id: 20080221-1602

    Eclipse RCP

    Version: 3.3.3.r33x_r20080129-8y8eE9UEUWI6qujeED0xT7bc
    Build id: M20080221-1800

    Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment

    Version: 3.3.3.r33x_r20080129-7N7M5DQVIA_6oJsEFkEL
    Build id: M20080221-1800

    Eclipse startup command=-os
    C:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.5 – Pulse Edition\eclipse.exe
    C:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.5 – Pulse Edition\../Pulse\Common\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.3.R33x_v20080118\eclipse_1023.dll
    C:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.5 – Pulse Edition\../Pulse\Common\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.1.R33x_v20080118.jar
    C:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.5 – Pulse Edition\configuration
    C:\Program Files\Pulse\Common\binary\com.sun.java.jre.win32.x86_1.5.0.011\bin\client\jvm.dll

    #288060 Reply



    Somebody showed me where Matisse was hidden:

    Using your “Pulse Explorer”, go to “My Profile” and select the profile you want to use. In the window on the right, under “Base software”, click on the + sign at the end of the line “MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench”. This shows up a small dialog box where you can select Matisse. After that just run your profile.


    #288080 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Glad you got it setup. Thanks for letting me know.

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