
Pulse Uninstall Bug

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  • #290279 Reply


    I downloaded Pulse tonight and installed it on my brand new Mac OS X Leopard system. Then I had it download and install MyEclipse, which it did. When I tried to run Eclipse, I got an error message and a reference to a log, So I ran Pulse again and told it to uninstall Eclipse, which it said it was doing. But once it was finished, I discovered that it DELETED EVERY SINGLE APPLICATION FROM MY APPLICATIONS FOLDER! IT WIPED MY APPLICATIONS FOLDER CLEAN! EVERYTHING IS GONE!

    What morons designed and tested Pulse??????

    #290320 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    After running through numerous install/uninstall scenarios, we have identified a flow whereby a custom installation directory can be chosen, and if that chosen installation location has other system data in it, that Pulse allows a user to continue running Pulse from that location. Upon uninstallation, that location is cleaned up. As installation of the software into a sensitive system location should be more difficult than just choosing a directory in a dialog, I have logged a priority item to provide better warning when choosing sensitive locations, such as /Applications and to give notification when installing into an existing folder.

    #290343 Reply



    Thanks for investigating this so promptly, as I would not wish anyone else to lose their applications as I did. Fortunately, I was able to restore everything without any permanent loss. My apologies for my harsh words for the developers of Pulse, as I made my original posting just after discovering the damage and I was pretty upset.

    -Dennis Webb

    #290355 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    We certainly understand your reaction and appreciate you reporting it to us. We’ve made fixing this a top priority for our accelerated next release of Pulse so that it won’t happen to anyone else.

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