
Question about Compiling

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  • #343578 Reply


    Hi all,

    I am new with Mobione and I don’t have any programming experiences with iPhone aplications.
    I has already developed “standard” jQuery app that is drawing something on Google maps. It is also working when I insert that code in html and test in Mobione emulator.
    How I can make that also work on iPhone? Is it possible with “Build iOS Application” or I must make something else?


    #343585 Reply


    You are going in the right direction of getting your project working in the mobione test environment. Once you can do that, then you can build it as an app and test on a device. See this set of guides for the process of creating ios or android applications with MobiOne http://www.genuitec.com/mobile/section.php?id=3

    If you plan to build an app for ios Apple requires you join their ios developer program ($100 usd) to get started. Android does not have that requirement.

    #343593 Reply


    Hi Wayne,

    Thx on fast answer. Than I have to buy iPhone to continue with serious work? 😉

    So, it is not necesery that I write jQuery code into _custom.js? It can be in .html file?

    #343595 Reply


    > Than I have to buy iPhone to continue with serious work?

    Yes, you will eventually need an ios device if you plan to distribute to iphones and ipads. The MobiOne simulator tools can only do so much. There is no substitute for the real thing, not even Apple’s own simulator is 100 percent accurate with a device. Many developers start with an ipod touch which is much less expensive than an iphone or ipad. If you go this route you should ensure that if you use an older ios device that it will upgrade to newer ios versions. We picked up a bunch of ios devices over time by purchasing them from our friends after they upgraded to a new device or purchased devices from ebay (some were damaged and we repaired them to be good enough for test devices).

    >So, it is not necesery that I write jQuery code into _custom.js? It can be in .html file?

    No. Do not modify any generated files other than the _custom.js file otherwise the Design Center will want to overwrite that modified file the next time it generates code for a modified .mobi file.

    #343596 Reply


    Than I am in problem… I’ve hoped that I can only copy-paste my code to the .html, because I’ve tryed to write it in Mobile jQuery in _custom.js and it looks that is all completly diferent.

    Do you have some advice for that situation?

    #343598 Reply


    hmm! I’m not sure what’s different between js embedded in html vs call it from the _custom.js file. In the custom.js file simply create function(s) and call them from your mobione UI such as an onclick or onchange handler with a Run in JavaScript action.

    You mentioned you have been working with jquery and google maps. You can view some example maps projects that use jquery here: http://www.genuitec.com/mobile/docs/usingMaps/usingMaps.html
    I recommend starting small, get something really basic working and then scale it up and continually test and keep you development bug free as you go.

    #343599 Reply


    This app is working automaticly, without clicking… downloading data and draw animation of movement lot of vehicles.
    I’ve also thinked that I just have to paste my code… maybe all is in front of me and I just have to make step back to see solution 🙂

    Most of the problems are that Mobione emultor shows me some errors in definition of some variables and objects that working normaly in first version and that confusing me.

    #343600 Reply


    Hi Wayne… it looks that this small chat make that new point of view in me.
    Suddenly I’ve solved some problems!

    Cheers 😀

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