
question about the style of some form component

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  • #324803 Reply


    I just created an application using ME4S scaffolding, which is so impressive. For now I need to modify the style of some from component, such as date picker, validation etc. I can see the date picker pop up in my date field, but it is not match our company’s style. Do you know where I can modify that date picker?

    Another thing, I’d like change the font color for those message when a input is invalid. I am using “invalidMessage” attribute of dijit.form.ValidationTextBox. Is it possible I can change message’s color and font? Thanks a lot.

    #325022 Reply


    The MVC scaffolding uses Dojo for the calendar and validation. Within your scaffolded project there are two stylesheets imported in main.jsp

    @import url("${pageContext.request.contextPath}/resources/dojo/resources/dojo.css");
    @import url("${pageContext.request.contextPath}/resources/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css");

    Those style sheets are resolved by the Spring Resources servlet. You can find a copy of the stylesheets in the spring-js-2.0.7.RELEASE.jar.

    You’ll find in tundra.css, that there is a Calendar.css being imported.

    Between dojo.css, tundra.css and Calendar.css you should be able to find the styles necessary to customize the calendar. Since it’s CSS, you should be able to just add your styles such that they will override those styles.

    #325024 Reply


    Also, the spring-js jar can be found in the “Spring MVC 3 Libraries” classpath container. Just expand the classpath container in your Package Explorer view and look under the paths:

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