
Question about using Ant through Myeclipse

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  • #227000 Reply


    This might look like Silly question, but I am a beginner for Myeclipse.

    I open my build.xml file in editor and the outline view shows me all the targets at right hand side.

    I right click to run the ant target.

    Is this the correct way to run ant tasks? Becuase this forces me to keep the build.xml open all the time.

    Also it gives me some dialog just before running a task – I think I have two configs. – I don’t like that dialog. I used to be able to execute tasks without that dialog.

    Can somebody point me to documentation in this regard?


    #227021 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    All Ant support is provided by the base JDT, not MyEclipse. We also don’t modify it in any way, so this is actually an Eclipse question (just FYI).

    Now to address your running question, go to Window > Show View > Ant and then drop your build file in there, now you can run it whenever you want 😉

    #227095 Reply


    Thanks Riyad, Sorry for bothering you for a silly question.

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