
Quick Deployment

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  • #233562 Reply

    Gerrit Cap

    One of the features that I would value the most is a quick deploy.

    Now if I want to deploy a project on tomcat I have to click on the deploy button and select the application from the pulldown menu, click on the configured app server and click on redeploy.

    It would be a lot faster to remeber the last deploy action and have a shortcut to that action on a button…

    Like launching a plain java application

    #233565 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you are using an exploded deployment AND have set your Tomcat context to reloadable=true, then your changes are deployed as soon as they are saved/built. So assuming you have Project > Build automatically turned on, that means every time you save a file, it is copied out to your app server.

    #233703 Reply

    Gerrit Cap

    Thanx for the reply, that works indeed. I usually did a war deployment. Now with the exploded deployment it works perfectly.

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