
"Deployment is out of date"

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  • #239263 Reply

    Bruce Petro

    I am trying to undeploy.
    It has zapped all files, but then stops and says it can’t continue because Deployment is out of date.

    I try to redeploy, it won’t, I try manually copying the file, it removes them again.

    Just tried doing an update and it says I have all the latests versions.

    How can I remove this deployment??

    #239264 Reply

    Bruce Petro

    PS: I checked and the server is down. so its not like its locking the directory or anything like that.

    #239266 Reply

    Bruce Petro

    Nevermind, Task manager did NOT show tomcat.exe running but something had the directory locked, it has timed out now and the undeploy finished finally. You might want to give an error message saying that removing the directories was unsuccessful – to better point to the root cause.


    #240035 Reply


    @bapetro wrote:

    Nevermind, Task manager did NOT show tomcat.exe running but something had the directory locked, it has timed out now and the undeploy finished finally. You might want to give an error message saying that removing the directories was unsuccessful – to better point to the root cause.


    Could please advise on how to determine if something is locking the directory and how to determine what this something is? I keep getting the following message in Deployment Satus field when trying to deploy, while I made sure that no change to my project has been made since I built it sucessfully.

    Deployment is out of date due to changes in the underlyuing project contents. You’ll need to manually ‘Redeploy’ the project to update the deployed archive.

    #241304 Reply


    @darchamb wrote:

    Could please advise on how to determine if something is locking the directory and how to determine what this something is? I keep getting the following message in Deployment Satus field when trying to deploy, while I made sure that no change to my project has been made since I built it sucessfully.

    Deployment is out of date due to changes in the underlyuing project contents. You’ll need to manually ‘Redeploy’ the project to update the deployed archive.

    I am having the same problem. I think that the code is supposed to sort of auto-deploy, so that the in-memory replacement for debugging and such will work, but, with JSF projects anyway, sometimes updates don’t occur. If I do a redeploy, sometimes it works but most of the time I get the above error message.

    What’s the correct process for this? I like MyEclipse a lot so far, but having to do a “Server-Tomcat-Stop, wait, Deploy-select-Redeploy, Server-Tomcat-Start, wait” is a lot of clicks to make a minor change.

    #241311 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    My experience with developing JSF apps in any IDE is frustrating due to cache invalidations not occuring and requiring a server restart. What I would suggest is using an exploded deployment, so ALL your changes are deployed immediately. Some will be hotsynced, otherse will fail. When that happens, keep an extra web browser window or view open to the Tomcat Manger, and just click “Restart” next to the context you are working on, it will take 1-3secs and then you can keep working. It’s much faster.

    Eventually Tomcat will crash the VM (after 50-60 context restarts) then you just restart it normally.

    #241861 Reply

    Joey Geiger

    Just a quick note, having been through recent issues with JSF (myfaces 1.1.1) on Tomcat 5.5.12.

    If the value below is set to server, you will need to invalidate your session (server restart or close/restart browser window) to get pages to reflect even simple text changes you make within a jsp page. With the session saving set for client, a simple page refresh will work.

    #241862 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    this is a very helpful tip jfgeiger and I am going to add it to the FAQ with proper credits.

    #242022 Reply

    Joey Geiger

    I also had another issue with Tomcat that is similar to the issue I mentioned above.

    <Context  reloadable="true" antiResourceLocking="true" antiJARLocking="true">         

    Using antiJARLocking and/or antiResourceLocking at true will also stop the container from picking up on jsp changes.
    (It may be one or the other, I got it working and quit trying to figure it out)

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