I have a number of facelets files .xhtml that I use with UI:include. I leave in the <html> tag with the namespace declarations so that editor does not flag warnings.
<html xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets"
<h:panelGrid border="0" columns="1" style="width:100%">
<c:if test = "${cmnMenuData.viewTravelPartnersAirlineSelected}">
<ui:include src="./airlines/airlineFilter.xhtml" />
<c:if test = "${cmnMenuData.createTravelPartnersAirlineSelected}">
<ui:include src="./airlines/createAirline.xhtml" />
This works great when run on IE. But FireFox complains about the html tag.
XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </html>.
Location: http://localhost:8080/voyager/common/commonfunctionality.faces
Line Number 73, Column 13:<td><html></td>
Are there any work arounds for this? It would be nice if I could configure my name space declarations so that I can leave it out of the UI:include facelets files but the editor still check the syntax and helps with code completions. Any ideas?
Thanks. PB