
"…Unable……to build…Server….."

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  • #352361 Reply

    Try to build my app but….It failed

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    #352364 Reply

    We have found some issues on the network and are working to correct them as soon as possible. Please watch the forum post here for updates:

    #352537 Reply

    Any news on this issue..?
    I am still waiting for any confirm……..Honesty to me FIX or NO FIX

    #352538 Reply

    The build services have been working fine for the last few days we have been running several tests a day. I just ran a couple tests and didn’t have any errors.
    Are you still unable to connect now?

    #352539 Reply

    Yes, I am
    Just try to build a few minutes a go…And received a same message..!

    #352540 Reply

    Do I need to setup any special “…Network proxy…….?”
    I never have to do that, since I purchased MobiOne, over a year a go….!

    Please, let me know I need all the help you can to build the app

    #352541 Reply

    Can you make sure you are using the App Center’s Cordova 2.9 or 2.9.1, both the 3.2 experimental and 2.3 have been retired.

    Window > Settings > App Center > Cordova Version

    #352542 Reply

    OK, changed to 2.9.1……Seem the build is running
    1.Start building….
    2. Building to “Device & Orientation..”
    3. Stuck right here after click on NEXT

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    #352550 Reply

    Does this do this with every project or just this one?
    Example, if you make a simple one page project, save it and try to build it does it not respond at this position as well?
    Can you also make sure your startup screen is enabled (if not it should come up with an error, sometimes this window can get hidden causing it to stop responding).
    This is the point that is generates and checks files, so it could possibly be something wrong with linked files.

    #352552 Reply

    You are correct, building doesn’t detect link to files…it work now…..Thanks so much

    #352555 Reply

    Great to hear its working !

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