
"Unknown Source" message in stack traces

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  • #275062 Reply



    I’m getting a problem with my project since I recently upgraded everything. Now if my program fails, the stack trace is not giving line numbers – it just says “Unknown Source”.

    I have the option to include line numbers in the generated class files ticked (Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Compiler), but it says this is used by the debugger, so it looks like I need to set this somewhere else too.

    Any ideas gratefully received


    #275082 Reply

    Loyal Water

    What were you trying when you got this error ? Can you paste your entire stack trace along with your installation details here for me . The posting guidelines thread can be found at the top of the forum.

    #275128 Reply



    Thanks for your reply. I have appended the stack trace and the installation details below. I create a jar within myEclipse (effectively by right clicking on my build.xml and choosing the appropriate target), then deploy it on my server and run it via a script which calls the java command with the class as an argument. As you can see, the jars that my jar includes have line numbers, but my code itself (the uk.ac.warwick classes) don’t have line numbers within the stack trace. The essential question is, how do I get them so I can figure out where my code is wrong?

    Hope that elucidates things


    ******************** Stack Trace **********************

    xcalia.lido.api.exception.LiDOOptimisticException: [3.181] Object instance of class uk.ac.warwick.mle.Student with Object ID <975,039> has it
    s field \”studentOnPresentation\” updated in the datasource
    at xcalia.lido.internal.i18n.b.a(b.java:39)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.buffer.a.a.a(a.java:175)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.buffer.a.a.a(a.java:118)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.buffer.i.a(i.java:184)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.sm.f.providedObjectField(f.java:1917)
    at uk.ac.warwick.mle.Student.jdoProvideField(Unknown Source)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.sm.c.a(c.java:19)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.sm.f.a(f.java:1058)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.z.a(z.java:41)
    at xcalia.lido.ds.jdbc.JdbcStorage.checkOptimisticChanges(JdbcStorage.java:426)
    at xcalia.lido.i.a(i.java:84)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.cache.c.d(c.java:306)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.cache.c.a(c.java:116)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.cache.c.b(c.java:141)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.pm.PersistenceManagerImpl.b(PersistenceManagerImpl.java:623)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.pm.PersistenceManagerImpl.commit(PersistenceManagerImpl.java:1857)
    at xcalia.lido.internal.p.commit(p.java:19)
    at uk.ac.warwick.mle.util.RegistrationAdjuster.setOptimistic(Unknown Source)
    at uk.ac.warwick.mle.util.RegistrationAdjuster.autoApprove(Unknown Source)
    at uk.ac.warwick.mle.sits.LoadStudents.loadRegistration(Unknown Source)
    at uk.ac.warwick.mle.sits.LoadStudents.processStudentRecords(Unknown Source)
    at uk.ac.warwick.mle.sits.LoadStudents.loadAllStudents(Unknown Source)
    at uk.ac.warwick.mle.sits.LoadStudents.process(Unknown Source)
    at uk.ac.warwick.mle.sits.LoadStudents.run(Unknown Source)
    at uk.ac.warwick.mle.sits.LoadStudents.main(Unknown Source)

    ************* Installation Details: **********************

    *** Date:
    06 September 2007 10:07:03 o’clock BST

    ** System properties:
    OS=windows vista
    OS version=6.0
    Java version=1.5.0_11

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 5.5.1 GA
    Build id: 20070521-5.5.1-GA

    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench

    Version: 5.5.1 GA
    Build id: 20070521-5.5.1-GA

    Eclipse Platform

    Version: 3.2.2.r322_v20070119-RQghndJN8IM0MsK
    Build id: M20070212-1330

    Eclipse RCP

    Version: 3.2.2.r322_v20070104-8pcviKVqd8J7C1U
    Build id: M20070212-1330

    Eclipse Java Development Tools

    Version: 3.2.2.r322_v20070104-R4CR0Znkvtfjv9-
    Build id: M20070212-1330

    Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment

    Version: 3.2.1.r321_v20060823-6vYLLdQ3Nk8DrFG
    Build id: M20070212-1330

    Eclipse Project SDK

    Version: 3.2.2.r322_v20070104-dCGKm0Ln38lm-8s
    Build id: M20070212-1330

    Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework

    Version: 3.2.2.v20070208
    Build id: 20070208-1315

    Eclipse startup command=-os
    C:\Program Files\MyEclipse 5.5.1 GA\eclipse\eclipse.exe
    C:\Program Files\MyEclipse 5.5.1 GA\jre\bin\javaw.exe

    ************************ End of Installation Details **************************

    #275310 Reply


    (just ticked the box to switch on notification)

    #275400 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    Zoe, luckily this should be fairly easy to fix. It looks like you are using Ant to build/package your project. You want to double check and make sure your <javac> task is setting the debug property to on AND including the 3 debuglevel arguments to provide full debugging information in your generated classes, so you don’t get any of that ‘unknown source’ stuff going on.

    #275580 Reply


    Many thanks for answering even though it turned out to be an Ant question. I have tried that and I think it’s worked as my jar has plumped out reassuringly. Won’t know for certain until my app keels over again – maybe that’ll never happen!

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