1) http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Reading+files+in+Java&btnG=Google+Search
I tink we can use FileReader right?
But eclipse have many folders, where can i place the .txt file?
Wherever you want, just make sure your absolute or relative path to the file is correct. Don’t worry about “Eclipse” your file will run the same and require the same code even if you use TextPad and run it from the command line. The only different is the “Working directory”, this is the directory that your app starts up in, it will think of this directory as it’s Root.
You can find out what directory your application is running from by using the following code:
System.out.println(new File(".").getAbsolutePath());
That will print out the current directory. Then from there you can establish what path you need to use for your file.