
Recent generate Getters/Setters issue

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  • #225808 Reply


    I’m not sure if this is myeclipse related or not, though it seems to have started about the time I last updated MyEclipse.

    When I create a new field of some sort, can be anything, then go to the Source menu, and click on Generate Getters & Setters, those methods are created – but the entire source for the bean is removed from the editor window except for the last method or two just created by the wizard. It doesn’t come back unless I close and reopen the file. I haven’t found anyone else mentioning this though, so not sure what’s going on.

    Eclipse GTK 3.0.1 on Debian Linux,
    Build 200409161125
    MyEclipse 3.8.4
    Build ID: 200501171200-3.8.4

    Thanks, Paul

    #225811 Reply


    It is working now.

    I noticed that after removing the eclipse install directory and myeclipse install directory (at least two separate times tonight), it retained my subscription information and other myeclipse settings – is this retrieved from the workspace if possible? Having it appear is convenient – but makes me think I’m missing something when I’m trying a complete reinstall to have this stuff still be present.

    It also for some reason refused to pick up most of the newer files in my external workspace initially. Until I did a restart/refresh, it appeared to be a perfect copy of the project from a month or two back.

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