
Refactoring JSP Problem

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  3. Java EE Development (EJB, JSP, Struts, XDoclet, etc.)
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  • #227799 Reply


    I’m using 3.8.4. with Eclipse 3.02 and Java 1.4.2_08. I’ve renamed a .JSP through the refactor command where all I changed was the capitalization.

    Everytime I redeploy, JBoss is complaining that the class name is wrong and shows the original lower-case name.

    I’ve deleted my target directory and am trying to search my entire hard drive to see what files continue to reference the lowercase .jsp name. So far, they all seem to be from MyEclipse.

    I’ve gone so far as to delete the file from the project and create a new one with the correct capitalization.

    Is there some type of -clean command that’s MyEclipse specific that I can try? I’ve cleaned the project numerous times, etc. I’ve assumed I was doing something wrong, but if I am I’m uncertain as to what that is.


    #227802 Reply


    It looks like my problem is elsewhere in my environment. Thanks.

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