
Reference for Creating a Web Service ‘listener’

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  • #269327 Reply


    I apologize if this is not in the correct forum – I am new to MyEclipse and the whole Java end of programming.

    What I am looking for is a reference to create a web service/application that listens on a specific port/site that will be able to process incoming XML requests.

    Basically, I have built the parts that will handle the data – I just don’t know where to begin in order to be able to RECEIVE data and send a response. It is an API, but I haven’t the foggiest idea where to begin on this part of my project.

    Please help?

    any input would be greatly appreciated.

    #269374 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    For web applications your ports are predefined by the app server, and I believe web services are the same way. What this sounds like is a web service, you may want to walk through our Web Service tutorial on this page:

    to get an idea of how to do it. It’s pretty straight forward and some great tooling available to test it (WS Explorer) and create clients to talk to it. For client creation, you can see en example over here using Terra Server as an example:

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