
Reinstall of Eclipse/MyEclipse, current how-to document ?

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  • #222643 Reply


    I would like to reinstall Eclipse/MyEclipse in order to eliminate some errors I’ve been having (Unable to create part/Unable to Restore Editor is the most annoying, and I’ve already tried many of the suggestions found in previous posts on that topic). I’m about to embark on going through the how-to document found at http://www.myeclipseide.com/FAQ+index-myfaq-yes-id_cat-4.html#156, but I wanted to check here first to make sure that there isn’t a more recent version of this document which might mention any changes relevant to the latest versions of Eclipse/MyEclipse. If such an update is available then can someone please reply with the URI ?

    Thanks in advance for any feedback.


    #222659 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I need to update that entry because it still talks about the old Eclipse 2.x/MyEclipse 2.x platforms; I would suggest that you do the following:

    1) Redownload Eclipse 3.0.1 SDK (~85mb)
    2) Redownload MyEclipse 3.8.3 (~55mb)
    3) Unzip Eclipse to your new location (e.g. c:\Java\eclipse)
    3.1) Rename the default eclipse dir to something like “eclipse-3.0.1” so installing multiple versions is easier (dirs don’t conflict)
    4) Unzip MyEclipse to your new location (e.g. C:\Java\myeclipse-3.8.3)
    5) Edit your Eclipse shortcut in Windows to point to your new Eclipse install AND add the -clean argument (e.g. C:\Java\eclipse-3.0.1\eclipse.exe -clean -vmargs -Xms128m -Xmx256m)
    6) Click your shortcut to start Eclipse, when asked to select a Workspace, choose your existing workspace from your old install.
    7) Close the Welcome Screen navigate to Help > Software Updates > Manage Config, right click Add > New Extension and point to your MyEclipse dir: C:\Java\myeclipse-3.8.3, hit OK and let Eclipse restart.
    8) After Eclipse restarded, go edit your shortcut and remove the -clean argument, it isn’t necessary anymore.

    That should work. Also be sure when you go to delete your old Eclipse/MyEclipse install that you don’t accidentally kill your old workspace, assuming you use the default workspace location of under the Eclipse dir, then shut down Eclipse and move your workspace dir from your old install Eclipse dir to the new one, then go ahead and erase the old Eclipse and MyEclipse installs.

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