
Removal of Spring clutter.

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  • #350162 Reply

    Tony Herstell

    Can you provide a simple preference to remove all the Spring clutter from MyEclipse.

    Even down to “completion” which shows Spring annotations…

    This should be quite easy… and save people a lot of clutter in the IDE.

    Apart from legacy projects (not updated yet to EE), there is no reason to use Spring and its just a nuisance.

    #350169 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    You could just uninstall the Spring components from Help > Choose Components .. remove “Spring support for MyEclipse” as well as “MyEclipse for Spring” (the latter will actually be automatically removed if you remove the former).

    Would this help or are you looking for keeping Spring support but just disabling it from all UI?

    #350170 Reply

    Tony Herstell

    @Support-Brian wrote:


    You could just uninstall the Spring components from Help > Choose Components .. remove “Spring support for MyEclipse” as well as “MyEclipse for Spring” (the latter will actually be automatically removed if you remove the former).

    Would this help or are you looking for keeping Spring support but just disabling it from all UI?

    Yes, would prefer to just to turn them off.

    Having to work on legacy Spring apps occasionally requires me to be able to turn it on/off.

    #350272 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Sorry for the delay, I thought I had responded to this earlier. I’ve filed a bug against this request.

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