
Removing an option from the Context menu

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  • #266625 Reply

    Curt King

    Is it possible to remove a menu option from the Context menu?

    I like to right-click in an editor window and select “Save”, but 1 out of 5 times, I hit “Revert File” instead.

    Can I remove/relocate the “Revert File” option?


    #266710 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    Curt, I’m not sure. This is really an Eclipse-plugin development question. My guess is “probably”, but it would likely need to be a new plugin that programatically removed the entry *after* the plugin that contributed it was loaded.

    My suggestion is just to learn key bindings (CTRL-S in this case) and change how you work.

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