
Report Web Project Problem When Upgrading from 7.5 to 8.6

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  • #311597 Reply



    I have ugraded from Myeclipse 7.5 to version 8.6.
    I have a Report Web Project that was running fine on version 7.5 (BIRT 2.3) when deployed to JBOSS.

    When I upgraded to MyEclispe version 8.6, I pointed it at my existing workspace, and then updated the classpath container path from;-


    to ;-

    melibrary.com.genuitec.eclipse.reporting.MYECLIPSE_REPORTS_WEB_2_5_2, and it builds and deploys fine to JBOSS.

    However when starting JBOSS, I get the error;-

    “2010-09-28 00:32:39,399 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost].[/msreporting]] Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.eclipse.birt.report.listener.ViewerServletContextListener
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.api.EmitterInfo.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Boolean;Ljava/lang/Boolean;Lorg/eclipse/birt/core/framework/IConfigurationElement;)V

    I understand this might be related to the BIRT engine being used, but I don’t how to influence this within MyEclipse in addition to what I’ve done.

    Please provide some guidance.


    #311646 Reply

    You will have to update birt libraries on your project along with report-engine and report-viewer folders.
    Please refer to the following link for further reference –
    This tutorial is based on MyEclipse 7.x but you can follow on similar lines for 8.6
    Let me know how that helps

    #311655 Reply



    A useful link – thanks. However I had since tried all that. The result is a less stable deployment which often displays illegalStateException messages within the BIRT report viewer, and always displays the below messages whenever the BIRT report successfully accesses the database;-

    “WARNING: handle type: org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.OdaDataSetHandle
    09:55:00,263 ERROR [STDERR] 30-Sep-2010 09:55:00 org.eclipse.birt.report.data.ad
    apter.impl.ModelAdapter adaptDataSet
    WARNING: handle type: org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.OdaDataSetHandle
    09:55:00,341 INFO [CachedConnectionManager] Closing a connection for you. Plea
    se close them yourself: org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrappedConnection@6d6a8bf0”

    When I deploy to a different production JBOSS installation, BIRT does not successfully retrieve any contents from the database.
    As a sanity check I deployed the dummy project created within Eclipse 8.6, and this still shows the above warning messages, so this workaround is not sufficient.

    I there anything else I need to do?


    #311672 Reply


    “WARNING: handle type: org.eclipse.birt.report.model.api.OdaDataSetHandle
    09:55:00,263 ERROR [STDERR] 30-Sep-2010 09:55:00 org.eclipse.birt.report.data.ad
    apter.impl.ModelAdapter adaptDataSet

    this is a know Eclipse issue and the warnings can be ignored.
    Please refer to the following link for further reference –

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