I’ve been working on really large JSP pages recently and have come across quite a few times where I wish ME would put a indicator in the left gutter showing me the tag scope I’m in. Because what happens is I’ll want to copy-paste some tags or comment out some tags, and I’ll find the first tag I want, but its matching tag is about 60 lines down, and it gets confusing to wade through all the other open/close pairs to find my match. If ME was able to indicate to me the tag scope I was in, I could just mouse down to the last line and know.
That would be handy, but definately not a priority.
-- <logic:equals name="user" property="age" value="16"> |
| <bean:write name="user" property="height">
| <bean:write name="user" property="weight">
| <bean:write name="user" property="name">
| <logic:equals name="user" property="hairColor" value="red">
| <strong>Red Hair</strong>
| <logic:equals>
-- </logic:equals>
So in the awesome above example, my cursor is on the 2nd line (logic:equals) and the highlight is showing the scope of that tag.