Is there any way to reset the server “may be out of synch” flag on a running server? Take for example the following situation/steps.
1. Start server.
2. Deploy application.
3. Modify class in a hot swap acceptable manner.
4. Recognize that change has been synched up with server. (Everything is synched and everything is working fine at this point)
5. Modify class in a non hot swappable manner. (Server is now out of synch with workspace this is acceptable)
6. Redeploy application to resynch workspace with server.
7. Server is still out of synch and no further hot swaps are allowed until server is restarted. (This is the problem behaviour)
It would be nice if when an application has been redeployed that the server could be resynchronized so hot swapping could take place again wiithout having to restart the server to resynch the server with the workspace.
Does this make sence at all?