I am unable to launch either Resin 2.11 or 3.03 from within myeclipse ide.
I am running myeclipse ver 2.6.03
Eclipse ver 2.1.1
OS Windows 2000
JRE/JDk: 1.4_02 for resin3
1.3_09 for resin2
I get the following errors when i try to start the app servers:
1. resin 2:
unknown argument `and’
usage: HttpServer [-conf resin.conf]
2. resing 3:
class javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.Config is not loadable on startup. Resin requires javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.Config to be in the classpath on startup.
Also when i try to specify a server for deployment none of my configured app servers are available in the servers drop down list.
Please advise